Hostile Skies

Hostile Skies is an awesome #FirstPersonShooter #FlashGame by #Miniclip!
 You have been selected in the Military draft to serve along with the French navy during World War 1. It's only been a month and already your feeling homesick. You even get a perverse joy over America's very first involuntary draft. You are proud of serving your country(even willing to die). Yet don't like where this is going. Straight into the oil mongers pockets! Not to mention a dictator more evil then Napoleon will rise from the ashes and rule central Europe with an iron fist! But here you are as you fulfill your duty as an American. May I introduce you to...

Hostile Skies

 An air-born missile first-shooter game. Strike them by left-clicking on your mouse and landing bombs with the Spacebar. Use the same mouse for steering your vessel(within the screen). Land your jet safely at bay or you'll crash and burn. Good luck Sargent!

Hostile Skies Review

 Just love how they gave it a military execution complete with background music and portfolios. The sound-effects were fairly decent and very relevant. However, if you die once it's truly game over! I wish they'd let you start from the point you died. Taking that aside, I am very impressed with the graphics and especially the animation!

Ratings: 4.99 Stars!

Play Hostile Skies!


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