The Last Door-Chapter 1

#HorrorGames #HalloweenGames
 Your friend Anthony. Your truest friend just sent you a letter to meet him in his mannor who you haven't seen in years. His thoughts are troubling him. "We need to talk face to face promptly"! So you oblige-wondering what this could all mean.

 Upon ariving you soon discover the mansion deserted and forboding. Something dreadful has happened in this estate. That much you can feel. A heavy sense of dread lurks within the shadows of it's corridors. It's as if the house is possesed! We must get to the bottom of this creepy mystery. And that's where you my friend come in.

  Use your mouse to look for clues, search for items, and progress your way through the narrative. Anthony is still alive in some form. You can feel it. But something dark and diabolical is also creeping though the cracks. There are diary pages strewn out all over the premises. As a dear friend it behooveth you to why such a horendous fate fell upon this once lofty dwelling.

 I've managed to get though chapter one and already I'm loving what I'm seeing. From it's Atari-esque graphics to the quintessencial and sometimes soundtracking I think you'll get into the story in no time. The ending has a very steep cliffhanger which beckens us to head on to the next installment which I'll review shortly. All in all, I give part one 5 thumbs up!

Ratings! 5 Stars!

Play The Last Door-The Letter!

The Last Door 1 Walkthrough!

Play The Last Door Part 1!


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