Attack of The Tweedy Zombies

#Sylvester has finally swallowed #Tweety whole! Now he must battle his conscience within a vivid nightmare that is Attack of the Tweety Zombies! #LooneyTuneGames #HalloweenGames #TweetyBird
 What do you get when you mix Sylvester and Tweety with The Night of The Living Dead? You get a bunch of bird zombies in "The Night of The Living Tweedy's"!

 You being the fraidy cat are given 9 lives to topple these Tweedy's back where they belong(resting peacefully within their graves). If only you hadn't snacked on all those Tweedy's Granny bought, this wouldn't of happened in the first place. But since it's Halloween Night, Tweedy Bird is leading the pack for a little payback.

 It's not only Grandma who had to compensate for all those lost tweedy birds.

Attack Of The Tweety Zombies Review

 I just love how "Warner Brothers" incorporated grown-up humor in their programming(back in the day when cartoons were brilliant). Just listen to Tweedy as he spoofs The Night of The Living Dead-"Brains"!!!

 Other than the lack of side-scrolling adventure, Warner Brothers has done a terrific job integrating Sylvester within a spine-chilling Halloween arcade-all in good taste.

Hopefully, this will all be just a bad dream.

Play Attack of the Tweety Zombies!


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