Online Warcraft Game-Evac

Primer Evac is a #SpaceGame created for #Miniclip! #FirstPersonShooter I believe this to be an inter-galactic war from another solar system. In a different galaxy far far away. Named Evac.

 You've just been called into duty. But have no idea who or where the enemy is. Just seems like your going around in circles. All because the Sargent doesn't know what the heck he's doing. All you really know is, there are more humans out there just like us.

 Yet unfortunately, they are not nice. Disinformation(due to dialect conflict) has driven our troops into this needless battle of the stars. But in the name of your planet, you are deeply committed to serving One Nation Earth. A country of total democracy.

Brief Review of Evac

 Just steering the darn ship is hard enough. Getting laser-beamed is another. I'd give an A on the sound effects and background music. But all in all, I wouldn't at all be surprised if you don't know which direction to take.

Ratings: 2.5 Stars!

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