Hidden Alphabet 4

Save a child's bedroom from destruction in Hidden Alphabet 4! #HiddenObjectGames #PointAndClick #FlashGames
 O.K. so you've played mister hero at some Indoor Water Park, some duds $200,000 Mansion, and within the cities luscious Botanical Gardens.

 Now Gamerhood wants you to save a kids bedroom from falling on itself within a giant sinkhole! In order to keep this tragedy from happening, you must get out that al'seeing eye glass and search for the hidden letters of the American alphabet!

 The mouse is your friend. Use it to collect all the essential letters and keep this poor fella from losing his very own bedroom.

Stay tuned for part 5...

To Be Continued!

For more episodes, check out my sister post  "The Hidden Alphabet Series"!

Here's a Walkthrough!

Play Hidden Alphabet 4!


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